
Our Latest News and PR

Check out what our team has to say about the animation industry and the innovative ways that our wizards make use of to deliver the best possible service to our clients. These news and PR are educational and will help you decide upon the kind of service you require.

By Wizard

Logo Design is not just a design. It’s your brand image.

When you consider all the factors that are part of building a business, creating a logo may not seem like a top priority. Don’t listen to that voice; it couldn’t be more wrong. The logo is integral to your brand’s success, right up there with high-quality products and positive advice.

By Wizard

While most people associate animation to just entertainment, it may come as a shock to some that animation has helped a lot in redefining the modes of education.

By Wizard

In the past few years, with the growth of animation technology, the dynamics of marketing have changed drastically. 

By Wizard

No industry makes use of video animation as much as the gaming industry. Gaming is the product of art and technology. The gaming industry has been growing significantly, generating large amounts of revenue.